Echo Ensemble
Movement and Sound Improvised Duet
Excerpt from One for ECHOEnsemble
Premiere: January 28, 2019 Manhattan, NY, USA
direction Jonah Udall
performers Kalun Leung (trombone), Liana Kleinman (movement)
video Cliff Cole
One is an evening-length work of sound and movement. Together, dancers and musicians become resonant bodies, instruments of space, dissolving their mediums into one. The performers engage in a shared practice, conversing with space and time through repetition and natural evolution. This premiere comes out of two years of organic, physical research and exploration.
ECHOensemble creates evolving architecture of movement and sound. Directed by Jonah Udall, their work is rooted in an awareness-based practice called SHIFT, influenced by Steve Reich’s “process music” and Mary Overlie’s Viewpoints method. Nine dancers and musicians discover shared worlds, where their singular voices both ring out and blend together as one. ECHOensemble is trombonist Kalun Leung, violist Sean Brekke, clarinetist/saxophonist Noah Becker, guitarist Jonah Udall, and dancers Allison Sexton, Mary McGrath, Erin Landers, Liana Kleinman and Dani Cole.