Twisted Twister
Game for Audience and Improvisors
Premiere: December 6, 2017 Jazz Performance Space The New School, Manhattan, NY, USA
composer Kalun Leung
documentation Peter Brensinger
I have been enamoured by the idea of Schubertiads for many years and even wrote a business plan in 2013 to launch series that would be dedicated to presenting chamber music in informal settings. Since then, I have been interested in participatory and immersive art, works that give audiences more creative involvement both actively and passively, and, in the case of Twisted Twister, give them compositional control and pacing.
Ultimately, for me, music is a social and community building endeavor. The 75-year Harvard study on happiness proves that the secret to living longer and healthier is good relationships. This is my attempt, albeit in a forcefully physical manner, to bring people together and have fun. So have fun, make friends, and swap instagrams!